Safety Equipment Suppliers UK
SSD Safety Ltd are leading Safety Equipment Suppliers in the UK. We sell, hire and service a wide range of safety equipment, from leading safety manufacturers.
We are dedicated to supplying you with the very best health and safety supplies. We ensure our products are of a high standard to help you achieve full compliance with the health and safety at work legislation. We are dedicated to helping you meet any other safety needs that you may require in the course of your work on site.
We are based in Horley, Surrey and we can provide safety supplies to almost anywhere in the UK, using our own fleet of delivery vans, or via a next day courier service.
Our dedicated technicians have over 15 years of safety equipment experience between them. We pride ourselves in providing continuity, quality and personal back up to every hire, sale and servicing of safety equipment that we are involved in on your behalf. We do this in an environmentally responsible way and offer you many other products and solutions supported by our extensive safety product range, SSD Safety also provide specialist confined space and working at height safety equipment. We offer manufacturing solutions to the construction industry with the latest equipment innovations and support for you in whichever environment you are working in.
As always we are happy to discuss your requirements, and offer advice where required, so please Contact Us, we are here to help you! Good advice can save lives!
Our BSI Certificate and all company policies are available on request.
(T) 01293 551938
(E) sales@ssdsafety.co.uk